Versions Compared


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  • Add Gateway: Turns off the ability to Add Gateways from within your app.

  • Add Device: Turns off the ability to Add Devices from within your app.

  • Add Gateway during 1st experience: Turns off the default behavior where after creating a new Company and Location the user is asked to add their first gateway to that location.

  • Add Device during 1st Experience: Turns off the default behavior where after adding a Gateway during the account creation process the user is then directed automatically to add their first sensor to that location.

  • Add Report When Adding Device: Turns off the default behavior where a new default Report is automatically created when a device gets added.

  • Add Alert When Adding Device: Turns off the default behavior where a new default Alert is automatically created when a device gets added.

  • Device Simulator: Hides the Add Simulated Device option that allows users to add simulated devices to accounts.


  • Integrations List: Turns off the display of Integrations which appears in the top-nav menu bar within the dashboard.


  • Contacts List: Turns off the Contacts screen where users are able to view a list of contacts and permissions.

  • Add Contacts: Turns off the ability for users to create new contacts. Existing contacts can still be selected by users for Alerts or Reports recipients.

  • Contacts Invite Email: Turns off the Invite email that gets sent to contacts when they are invited with permission to view a shared account.

Device Details

  • Resources tab: Turns off the Resources sub-tab which shows Device information, datasheets and videos for a piece of hardware added to the account.


  • Account Settings: Turns off the Account Settings sub-tub found under the Account nav option.

  • My Data: Turns off the My Data sub-tab found under Account.