You will need a Terminal Emulator application in order to enter command-line commands while following this document. Examples will be provided here for Terminal.app (Mac OS) and Powershell (Windows)
Gather necessary files and information
The following items will be needed to complete the rest of this document:
Gateway certificate files
TLS Certificate with naming abcd0000fffff0001.cert.pem
TLS Key with naming abcd0000fffff0001.key.pem
where abcd0000fffff0001
is the 16-digit gateway EUI. These files are generated on the myDevices Azure server and will be provided by myDevices Support. Let us know the Gateway EUI for any TTN gateways you want to convert in the ticket you open.
Gateway local IP address
For Tektelic and Multitech models:
You’ll need to connect to this gateway via WiFi and not Ethernet cable. Steps 1-4 in this article show how to do that. You don’t need to login, just make sure you can connect to it’s WiFi and make sure that page
loads in a browser. That IP,, will be used for SSH connection whenever needed in this document.
SSH login credentials for your gateway
This table shows the login credentials for each gateway model
(chmod 777 for the Multitech directory so you can write to it)
Copy Certificate files to gateway
Both certificate files must be placed in a specific directory per model: