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This article contains the full knowledge transfer of how our Confluence + K15t knowledge base system works. If all you want is the quick introduction, please see (Quick Guide) Docs & contributing instead.

Table of Contents
Widget Connector


Our new Confluence-based Knowledge Base uses a combination of Confluence Spaces and a 3rd party plugin (Scroll Viewport by K15t) which renders these into Knowledge Base themed public facing URLs under our public site on


It’s important to understand that our end-users / partners get links not to Confluence but to the rendered view that gets served up in our public-facing help site url (on Confluence is the CMS, scrollhelp is the hosted output.

  • Changes by us get made in Confluence.

  • End-users see those changes after they are pushed live to our scrollhelp site.

We also have all of our knowledge base sources directly linked on the myDevices Docs site. If all you are looking for is a single URL you can hand out that contains all of our content sources, that’s where to go.

List of Knowledge Bases

Our public Knowledge Bases content is drive from Confluence Spaces and rendered into a public view via our iot-help scrollhelp site. Each Confluence Space that we choose to share out gets a separate Knowledge Base URL that can be handed out to our end-users.


Space Name



Status / click for URL

Customer Help

In-App Help



Customer Help (Francais)

In-App Help



Partner Help

Partner & Console Help

English (no plans for localization)


A Confluence Space will only appear to the public when it is added into our Scroll Viewport configuration. Thus the list above of LIVE sites is the complete list of publicly available Knowledge Base URLs that can be accessed by our partners/users.

Make changes in Article content

The following will help guide you on how to add or update content in our public facing knowledge bases.

Category Updates


Category updates must be made by Product team decision. At this time we ask that you bring any such requests to us - do not make any changes to categories or introduce new ones. Update articles only.

This applies to our Partner and In-App help systems.

Add, Edit Help Articles

Anyone is able to add or update help articles. We should all collaborate together to get this content in place.



Your changes are saved but Remember that end-users will not see your changes until a new version of the public facing site is pushed live.

Confluence Article Tips

Here are some tips on creating / using Confluence for Help articles.


  • Use Heading 2 and lower by default. The K15t uses Heading 1 for display title display.
    💡 See their Scroll Viewport Best Practices for working with their theme

  • YouTube videos can be embedded using the Widget insert.

  • Use the Children Display if you want your article to include a list of sub-pages appearing under it.

Update our Live Site

Confluence pages drive the content, but the K15t Scroll Viewport plugin is what renders our content to our live site.

Scroll Viewport takes whatever Spaces we manually set to include and when the content is generated it pushes those out as separate “apps” (separate Knowledge Bases), each of which can be access at the parent site or as sub-URLs that can be handed out.


Access Scroll Viewport

You can access the Scroll Viewport configuration in a couple of different ways - from the Apps option in Confluence or while viewing one of the pages.


Pushing Live

As noted earlier, changes to Pages in confluence aren’t visible to the public until our live site is updated.


  1. Use the Update Site button from Scroll Viewport to start the Generate process.

  2. The Generate process will package up all the Space content and spit out a Preview of the changes.

    💡 This process will take several minutes.

  3. Once the Generate process is complete you will get a report and the ability to Preview your changes.

  4. If you are satisfied that everything looks good, you can use the Go Live button to push them public. This part is instantaneous.

Add support for a new Language

Currently K15t’s Scroll Viewport plugin does not support Localization within a single source. As a workaround, we have separate Spaces for each language.
