Excerpt |
How to set access your app dashboard from one of your domains. |
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The following article will show you how to set up your white label app so that instead of accessing your app using the myDevices provided domain (e.g. yourcompany.http://mydevices.com), your customers will use a subdomain you manage (e.g. iot.http://yourcompany.com ).
Note |
In order to set up your App for use with a Custom Domain you must use a sub-domain (e.g. iot.yourcompany.com) and you must use either a CDN or Reverse Proxy which is capable of handling the encryption required. |
We have created a handy 3 step Guide that will walk you through the configuration and troubleshooting needed to perform this. Also included is an example of using GoDaddy and Cloudflare to accomplish this for a sample domain.
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