Using your own Knowledge Base instead of In-App help

Using your own Knowledge Base instead of In-App help

The following will help you to change the behavior in your app such that when users click on the Help link, it opens your knowledge base instead of the default one.

The in-app help system provides end-users with information on how to set up and use the features found within your app. As a partner, you have the option to instead point your users at your own knowledge base.

How to specify your own Knowledge Base to be used

You can change where the Help link goes by customizing the FAQ / Help link in the Console.

  1. Log into your IoT Console account.

  2. Access the White Label Settings for your app.

  3. Customize the FAQ / Help field to point at your external knowledge base.

  4. Don’t forget to Save your changes.

After updating this link, your users will be taken to your knowledge base when they click on Help in the app. Note: It may take a few minutes for the change to take effect.

What if I want to go back to using the In-App Help?

By default our in-app help system will be used. If you want to use the default behavior, simply remove anything found in the FAQ / Help field within the console.