Open FileZila on local computer and login to the gateway IP: Host:, Username: Root, Password: Serial Number of Gateway, Port: 22
After connecting to the Gateway, go to dev/shm folders on the GW in FileZila and drag and drop both files SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00.cwe and SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00_VERIZON_002.079_002.nvu
View file name SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00.cwe View file name SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00_VERIZON_002.079_002.nvu Open Ubuntu, login to the Gateway with the IP Address and password: Serial Number of the GW and run this command to install the packages that were just copyed copied into FileZila:
/opt/Sierra/LteModemFW/ vzw /dev/shm/
this process should take about 5-10 minutes. Gateway will automatically log off after. you will need to log back into the gateway after this.Go back to FileZila and go to folders home/root to copy the modem-oma-dm-handler package
View file name modem-oma-dm-handler_0.6-r2_kona.ipk Go back to Ubuntu and run the command: opkg
opkg install modem-oma-dm-handler_0.6-r2_kona.
ipk toipk
to install the package that was just copied for the verizon sim card to work. This process will not log you out of gateway, you can run step 6 right Ubuntu, run: -c 'at!gobiimpref?' -c "AT+CGDCONT?"/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge version/opt/mydevices/dps-client -vifconfig eth0 | grep HWaddr to make sure that the process has been accomplished.