Versions Compared


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  1. Open FileZila on local computer and login to the gateway IP: Host:, Username: Root, Password: Serial Number of Gateway, Port: 22

  2. After connecting to the Gateway, go to dev/shm folders on the GW in FileZila and drag and drop both files SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00.cwe and SWI9X30C_02.33.03.00_VERIZON_002.079_002.nvu

    View file
    View file

  3. Open Ubuntu, login to the Gateway with the IP Address and password: Serial Number of the GW and run this command to install the packages that were just copyed copied into FileZila: /opt/Sierra/LteModemFW/ vzw /dev/shm/ this process should take about 5-10 minutes. Gateway will automatically log off after. you will need to log back into the gateway after this.

  4. Go back to FileZila and go to folders home/root to copy the modem-oma-dm-handler package

    View file

  5. Go back to Ubuntu and run the command: opkg  opkg install modem-oma-dm-handler_0.6-r2_kona.ipk to ipk to install the package that was just copied for the verizon sim card to work. This process will not log you out of gateway, you can run step 6 right after.

  6. in Ubuntu, run: -c 'at!gobiimpref?' -c "AT+CGDCONT?"/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge version/opt/mydevices/dps-client -vifconfig eth0 | grep HWaddr to make sure that the process has been accomplished.
