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App & Console Feature Release Log


Nov 2023

Org Admin Permissions

Give console users Org admin or App admin permissions. Previously, in Console you could only give Console users app admin permissions and support tickets requests had to be made for giving users Org admin permissions. This release makes it easy to give Org or Admin permissions and easily switch between the permission levels.

Differences between Org Admin & App Admin

  • Org Admin has highest level access to any existing and future created apps

  • App Admins only have access to those apps they been given access to

Org Admin Only Features

  • Create Device Templates

  • Create Device Codecs

  • Bulk Upload to a Customer Account


Show/Hide Disclaimers

The Console and App are being enhanced so you can show CCPA & SLA URLs on the Login and Signup Screen. The URLs can be in Console settings.


  • Add CCPA Notice URL

  • Show CPA and/or SLA URL on Signup & Signin

  • Customize how the names of CCPA Notice & SLA URLs will appear in Signup & Sign in screens.


Improved Alerts UI

The App’s Alerts Feature is getting a UI refresh to make it easier and faster to select and unselect recipients for alert notifications.


Console UI Updates

We’re making some updates to the Console to add additional information and do some minor reorganization.

Changes being made

  • White-Label Settings is now called Settings

  • Admin API is now a tab within Settings

  • Help & Docs is now called Help

  • Help includes a dropdown of links to other important items such as

    • Providing Feedback

    • Getting Sensor Advice

    • System Status

    • myDevices Roadmap

  • New Console Tab Order

    • Customers

    • Device Registry

    • Reports

    • Device Templates

    • Codec Editor

    • Settings

    • Help



Oct 2023

Create Device Templates & Codecs:

The Internet of Things (IoT) is continuously evolving, driving the need for more adaptable and sophisticated sensor management systems. Recognizing this, myDevices has introduced an innovative feature in their platform: the Codec Editor and Device Template Creator. These tools offer unprecedented customization of sensor data handling, enabling device manufacturers and partners to fine-tune their IoT solutions for various applications

Add device templates and codecs for various devices, such as sensors, actuators, gateways, tags, and more, as well as services for storing data, setting up alerts, visualizing data using custom dashboards, and transmitting data to other business intelligence (BI), artificial intelligence (AI), computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), or asset management software. The possibilities are limitless.



Show/Hide Title/Position Field

We’ve enhanced our App Contacts Feature. When adding a contact, you can now add the Title/Position of your contact. This is an optional field that you can show or hide from your Console Settings. Additionally you can define a pre-set list of options or leave it blank to be filled out in the app.


  • Add Title/Position

  • Show/Hide Field from Console Settings

  • Define pre-set list of Title/Position options or leave field blank


Combine Sensor Data

We've introduced a groundbreaking feature that allows a user to combine any sensor data from any sensor reading and apply custom calculations for assets being monitored. This is useful for creating digital twins or assets with multiple readings from different sensors.  Some examples of its versatility include consolidating data from multiple Vutility Hotdrop devices monitoring a three-phase compressor or aggregating data from all the doors in a building by summing up "Total People In" and "Total People Out." Assets performs functions similarly to devices in the myDevices platform, enabling you to save asset data, view data history, create dashboards, and send data to your CMMS, building management, and work ticketing systems.



Device URLs

Each device a now has its own unique device URL that provides a permanent URL link to real-time sensor readings for that sensor. This url can be printed as a QR code and placed onto the asset itself so that anyone with a smartphone camera can access this url,  Instead of spamming users with text messages, Device URLs are now integrated into alert notifications for a better user experience, similar to how Uber sends a user a link to a url to show the live location of a vehicle.


  • Unique Device URL:

    • Each device now has its own unique URL, providing a direct link to real-time sensor readings for that specific sensor.

  • Permanent URL Link:

    • This URL is designed to be permanent, allowing users to access real-time data consistently.

  • QR Code Integration:

    • The URL includes a QR code that can be printed and attached to the asset itself. This makes it easy for individuals with smartphones to access the real-time sensor readings by scanning the QR code.

  • Alert Notification Integration:

    • Instead of sending text messages, the device URLs are integrated into alert notifications. This approach aims to enhance the user experience by providing a more efficient and user-friendly way to access information.

Aug 2023

Custom Widget Header

You can now customize elements of the widget header (the Position and of widget labels as well as the Text and Background coloring). You can also now customize the widget border coloring. These are found in widget settings alongside other settings.


Owners Add Locations

The App Contacts Feature is being enhanced so that a Contact with Owner permissions Can Add Locations to any Company they’ve been given Owner permissions for at least 1 location within that company.


  • Contact with Owner permissions Can Add Locations

  • Console Settings can enable/disable ability for a Contact with Owner to add a location


June 2023

  1. New Device Offline Service - The Device Offline alert notifications have been restored. Offline notifications can be sent if the sensor is offline for a minimum of 60 minutes up to a maximum of 4320 minutes.

  2. Multi-App


May 2023

  1. Sensor Maps - Improved user interface with better responsiveness on mobile devices and a new Click to Place Marker feature which makes adding markers on a map much easier. Watch the video

  2. Custom Dashboards feature - You can share dashboards with your Contacts, giving them a link in their account so that they can directly access the shared dashboard. See updated article & video.

  3. Jan 2023

  4. Custom Dashboards feature - Additional new “Data Table” widget that allows you to lay out widget data in a columnar table view.

  5. Custom Dashboards feature - Additional new “Notes” widget that allows you to add a notes field and for all shared users to be able to notes and links to the dashboard.

  6. Custom Dashboards feature - Additional new “Alert List” widgets which lets you visualize the current status of device alerts in a list widget.

See also: Widget Types Overview with updated examples.

Oct 2022

  1. Optimized loading for large accounts - Manage & Alerts screens will now load more quickly for large accounts. Device details will load in the background as you expand Locations and scroll through the list of devices.

  2. Improved Manage & Search field - searching for devices & alerts using the search field is greatly improved. Locations on the Manage screen will now expand to show your search results which makes it a lot easier to find devices in large accounts.

Aug 2022

  1. Multi-Owner - Accounts can now assign Owner role in addition to existing Can Edit or Can View. Owner role has permission to invite other contacts and assign permissions (including elevating others to Owner).

  2. Custom Dashboards - Additional new widgets available. Device Data (Multi-Value) widget allows you to select multiple data points to display in a single widget. Gallery widget allows you to select one or more images to display and allows you to set image titles, scroll through images or auto-play.

May 2022

  1. Custom Dashboards feature - Additional new “Tank/Level” and “Meter” widgets.

  2. Fix for issue where user did not receive email after requesting Device History download.

Apr 2022

  1. Custom Dashboards feature - Additional new “Progress Bar” widget is now available under Visualization widgets.

  2. Fix converted units issue where the user saw different units when comparing Manage & History screens.

  3. Custom Dashboards feature - Additional new widgets available. New Temperature widget and a new category for Visualizations which includes a new Gauge, a whole bunch of new a powerful Charts and a new External widget for displaying some external content (e.g. PDF, Images, Videos) as widget. Video highlighting the new widgets.

Mar 2022

  1. Custom Dashboards feature - Initial release of new feature which allows you to drag & drop devices / widgets to create a custom dashboard view. Use the default widgets for devices or create custom widgets for specific data and control styling. Video showing it in action.

Jan 2022

  1. Simulated Devices - Improved user experience when typing to filter list of simulated devices.

  2. Resources Tab - Added Resources Tab to Devices Settings which allows you to find Device information, datasheets and videos for any piece of hardware added to your account. Also works with Simulated devices. Video showing it in action.

  3. Mobile Camera Selector - When scanning QR Codes you can now select between which camera is used on your mobile device.

Dec 2021

  1. Sensor Simulator feature - Added new Device Simulator feature for all sensor templates so that anyone can add any piece of hardware into their account and visualize the device data, widgets, and custom dashboard prior making a hardware purchase decision. Video showing it in action

  2. Dashboard UI - New angular masthead, sidebar and visual updates to sub-screens. Video showing it in action.

Oct 2021

  1. Integrations - External ID for assets is now present in Integration data.

  2. Corrective Actions- Fix for cogwheel not showing correctly for Gateway offline.

  3. Sensor Maps - Fix where deleted Pinned sensor map location did not get removed from List dropdown.

  4. Fix where selecting different device using dropdown didn't update on History, Alerts, Report pages.

  5. Users can now add External ID (any alphanumeric combo) as optional info to companies & location or assets. Information can be added to assets during Add Device or at any time from Settings page.

  6. Reports - Removed Images from Predictive Maintenance Reports as part of marking assets private.

  7. Reports - Improved Reports viewing page with Print Report link to help with accessing Save as PDF option.

  8. Reports - Implemented Reports History Pagination for faster app loading

  9. Reports - Users are required to log in to view the reports or download history

  10. Corrective Actions - Support for a new custom_corrective_actions attribute in Device Templates. This enables a set of custom corrective actions and guidance to be shown to users when the open corrective actions.

  11. Support for new downlink_commands that will appear in device Settings and allows users to change certain preconfigured command options (such as Reading intervals). These options will start to appear in settings as the templates are updated in the backend. Help article & video on adjusting intervals.

Sep 2021

  • Reports - Report History Pagination.

  • Reports - After following a report link, the user must log in to view the content.

  • Reports - HTML fixes (CSS, markup, Format dates with short month name).

  • Corrective Actions - Display of custom Corrective Action messages can now be shown to users so that they can better select actions for that device alert. Note: this requires custom Device Template usage.

  • Corrective Actions - Fix for corrective actions not appearing for Device offline alerts.

  • Reports - Reports generated in the app are now in HTML format. You can save the report as PDF using the Print → Save as PDF option in the browser. See Help Article & video.