Custom domain: Complete your setup

After configuring your white label app subdomain using a CDN provider or Reverse Proxy, you should complete the setup for your app in our IoT Console and verify things are working.


Update the IoT Console

In this step we will complete the configuration to let myDevices know that your App can be accessed from a Custom Domain URL. This is done by adding the URL to use in the Console settings.

  1. Log into the IoT Console.

  2. Go to the White Label Settings tab.

  3. There on the Product Info section, be sure to enter in the custom domain you are using into the Custom Domain field.

    This helps us to know which domain your customers will use when accessing your app, along with making sure that email communications point back to your domain.

  4. Don’t forget to click Save in the console after making this change.

Check if things are working

After configuring everything, access your white label app using your custom domain URL. It should load, you should see your custom white label branding and there should be no SSL warnings.

You may want to wait a little bit so that this change can propagate fully before running your final verifications.

Example Login screen showing custom app branding.

Please see our Troubleshooting article for common issues you may encounter, especially when it comes to integration with Cloudflare.

Once everything appears to be working, proceed to sending myDevices notification so that we can finish any final tasks on our side for your Custom Domain usage.