[WIP] How to integrate your device with myDevices

[WIP] How to integrate your device with myDevices

Our platform supports more than 1,000 devices with the flexibility to support any hardware from any manufacturer. If you have a sensor or gateway that you don’t see supported when registering your devices in myDevices IoT Console, you can make a request for device template to be created for it.

Overview of the process

  1. Review the Overview & Requirements information [links to sub-page]

  2. Create a submission for each new piece of hardware and submit all necessary information requested. [links to section below]

  3. Hardware gets added to the platform. We will contact you through your ticket during the process.

Create new hardware submission

Submission steps:

  1. Download the Device Template Information Doc

  2. Fill out form for all applicable details (if you don’t know everything, its okay, fill out what you can)

  3. Submit a ticket to help.mydevices.com for the new device template

Note: Please submit a form separately for each new device.

Coming Soon: Creating Device Templates On Your Own

In 2023, we be giving customers the ability to creating their own device templates for any device, sensor or gateway they have.

What types of devices can I submit to myDevices?

The following types of devices are support by the myDevices platform:

Can I make my device available for sale through your partners and the myDevices store?  

Yes - You can view hardware that we have on the myDevices Store. In addition, we can offer your hardware for sale to our partners who order through our Sensor Catalog.

Can I control the display & behavior of the hardware on the platform?

Yes - Please review Overview & Requirements for a video and additional information on how Codec & Templates work. When filling out the Device Template Information Doc for your submission you can tell us the requirements so that we can make sure it is tailored for your needs.

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