Add/Modify Console Admins

You can grant access to additional users so that they can login and help manage your organization’s users and devices from the IoT Console. You can have as many users as needed to help manage your organization, assigning each user to a role that grants whatever permissions needed so that they can perform their tasks within the console.

Invite new Console Users

The following will show you how to invite a new User so that they will have access to the IoT Console.

Only users granted White Label & Billing: Admin permissions in Users & Roles will have access to this option in the console.

  1. Log into the IoT Console and go to the Users & Roles tab.

  2. Select the Add User option to begin adding a new user into the system.

  3. Fill in the user’s details, including the Email address that they will use to log in from.

  4. Select the appropriate Permissions for the user by choosing a corresponding Role from the dropdown.

    If none of the existing Roles has the permissions that you want, you can create a new Role from the Roles tab. For help on doing so, as well as more information as to what affect each permission has on users, please refer to this article.

  5. Don’t forget to click Save. The user will then receive an Invitation by email to finish creating their new console account, including setting their password.

Should the user not receive their invitation and you need to send another, you can use the Resend link shown next to their entry under Users.

Modify/Delete Console Users

You can easily modify or remove existing Console users from the Users & Roles page as well.

To modify an existing user, simply find the users entry in the Users tab and select the edit option.

From the Edit User dialog you can then modify the users role by selecting a different role in the dropdown or you can Remove the user.

For more help on Permissions and more information as to what options each type of permission allows, please refer to this article.

Why can’t I modify an existing User’s contact details

You can modify contact details from the Edit User dialog only up to when the contact creates their account. As soon as the user opens their Invitation and finishes creating their account, they are then responsible for their own contact details.

For existing users, the only option will be the option to assign them to a different Role.

If a user wishes to update their contact info, they can do so themselves by logging into their account and going to the Account tab. There they an update info contact info for themselves.