Step 1: Open ubuntu in command line
Step 2: cd /mnt/c/Users/(username of desktop holder)/
For Example: cd /mnt/c/Users/saposhian/
Step 3: cd Desktop
Step 4: cd into the folder that the csv file was downloaded in
Example: cd 'Bulk Gateway upload files'/ (to view the folders in this path type ls)
Step 5: Once you are in the folder, navigate to the .sh file that was downloaded
Example: bash help (help is to let you view what Network ID and Organization ID to use)
Step 6: Once the Network ID and Organization ID is located, find the folder that the csv files is in.
Example: bash ‘Tektelic Micro EUx60 GW B12493.csv' 11 1
Step 7: Install begins
Step 8: Once install is finished, check the 1st and last id to make sure those actually went through.
US is 8 and 4
EU is 11 and 1