
The Reports section is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline the management and support of IoT deployments. Key features include:

  1. Sensor Overview: Users can view all deployed sensors, including types and quantity. This allows for a quick assessment of the sensor network.

  2. Sensor Readings: This feature provides detailed data from each sensor, offering insights into performance and environmental conditions.

  3. Activity Log: A chronological log of events and changes made by users within the network, aiding in troubleshooting and monitoring system health.

  4. Order and Shipment Status: Track the progress of sensor orders and shipments, ensuring timely updates and efficient logistics management.

  5. Variety of Reports: A range of reports are available, catering to different aspects of IoT management, from operational data to user engagement.


  • Enhanced Visibility: Get a clear view of your entire IoT infrastructure, making it easier to manage and optimize.

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Access to detailed data supports informed decision-making for maintenance and expansion.

  • Operational Efficiency: Streamlines the process of monitoring and supporting IoT deployments, saving time and resources.

  • Improved Support: Provides necessary information for effective customer and technical support.

This section is an invaluable resource for effectively managing your IoT environment, ensuring smooth operations and optimal performance.