Integrate your data with 3rd party services

Integrate your data with 3rd party services

Use our Integrations to access and consume your data using an external service. Connect to popular enterprise business services such as Salesforce, PagerDuty, Azure, AWS, HoTSOS, Treasure Data and others to view and share key information about your accounts right where you’re already working with your team. Or integrate with your custom services by pushing data using Webhooks, to Google Pub/Sub, or by utilizing our REST API.

All API documentation can be accessed at myDevices Documentation.



Low effort integration setup and configuration. Connectors send data to 3rd party integrated applications such as Webhook, Azure Services, AWS, Google Cloud, Salesforce, Tableau and more for visualization, reporting analytics, BI tools, machine learning, and business workflows. Build your own data connector and integration with our REST API. Get Started

Admin API

How to use the IoT Console to query your product's data. White label customers can use the Admin API to gather information on customers, such as ingesting it into a billing system.

Admin API

Device Connectivity API

Maintains encrypted connections with devices supporting HTTP and MQTT protocols. Receives traffic from LoRa Network Servers and data stream from other IoT Clouds. HTTP & MQTT API

Device Management API

Manage device registry, configuration, provisioning, and FOTA scheduling and batching. Easily de-register and re-register devices via LNS Switch. Stores LoRaWAN keys and SSL/TLS certificates with access to real-time data insights.


Cloud API

The IoT in a Box API is a RESTful API. REST is a lightweight, stateless web service standard that myDevices IoT provides to our partners so that they may access and consume their data.

Cloud API

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