Set Roles & Permission for Console access

Set Roles & Permission for Console access

The Users & Roles section allows you to grant access to users so that they can log in and help you manage your organization from the IoT Console. You have the ability to assign each user a different Role.

Note: This section controls only access & permissions to use the IoT Console. Not be confused with access to the end-user dashboard accounts which can be managed from the Customers tab.

The following article will help you to understand more about Roles and permissions.


What do Permissions affect?

The Permissions found in each Role affect what options are available in the IoT Console for that user. Below are some notes to show what affect each of the permissions has to help guide you in choosing or setting up new Roles.

White Label & Billing

  • Only Admin can access the Users & Roles tab in the console. The Edit and View roles will be unable to see this option.

  • Edit permission grants access to the White Label settings tabs, with edit permission.

    It also grants access to the API information on the Billing tab. 

  • View permission grants access to the White Label settings tabs, with read-only permissions only.
    It also grants access to the Billing tab, but does not grant visibility to the API information.


Provides access to the Customers tab in the Console.

  • View permissions allows the ability to look up accounts.  No actions will be available, user cannot modify any details or access any additional Actions.

  • Edit permissions adds the Actions menu options so that you can perform actions such as Upload Devices, Remote Assistance, Reset Passwords and Disable accounts.


Provides access to the Device Registry tab in the Console.

  • View permissions allows the ability to look up devices. User can access registry information for devices and find associated End User account details, but no actions are available.

  • Edit permission adds actions, such as the ability to Deactivate devices and additional operations when accessing the End User account details dialog.

How do I know which permissions I have?

After receiving their invitation and creating their account, each user will be shown what permissions they have. These can also be reviewed by a user at any time thereafter by going to the Account > Permissions tab in the console. 

Create/Modify Roles and permissions

Roles can be found by selecting the Roles tab under Users & Roles.

Only users with White Label & Billing: Admin permissions will have access to this option in the console.

From here you can modify or edit any existing roles. If none of the built-in roles matches the permissions that you want, you can create a new role by selectin Add Role.

Refer to the information shown above on what affect each permission has for the user.

After saving your new role, you can add or edit Users from the Users tab and assign them to this role.