Installation services

Do you offer Installation services?

Yes. We have 2 types. On-site installers and remote installation - we will provide as much help as you desire based on your needs.

What is the difference between remote installation and on-site installation?

With remote installation assistance, one of our installation experts will be standing by on a screen sharing available to answer questions to the on-site installer. On-site installers are doing the physical installation at the job site.

How much time in advance do I need to schedule these installations?

We recommend at least 2 weeks from when you submit deliverables & payment.

How do I schedule your team to be available for a remote installation?

Submit deliverables by filling out our Configuration form and submitting it to us (if you are not already working with a team member you can send it using our Support form). Attach the configuration information and confirm all payments have been made in order to schedule remote installation.

Am I eligible to have your team standing by for a remote installation Gold partners, Platinum, Titanium?

Platinum and Titanium plans allow for remote installation assistance, please check your agreement for more details

Is there a cost for remote installation?

Please check your agreement for pricing details.

Can I become an installer? If so, how do I apply?

Absolutely. We put each of our installers through an onboarding & training with either remotely with our team or on site with one of our installers. Please contact us if you are interested in this.