Overview & Requirements information

Overview & Requirements information

The following contains some additional detail on the information we need from you and the flexibility you have when integrating your hardware into our platform.

Overview of what we need

As detailed in our submission form, we need all the information on both the Hardware and Behavior that you desire for the device being onboarded. Gathering this information allows us to create a Codec & Template which will tailor the hardware to your requirements.

We use the information you provide to create the following:

A Codec which Decodes payloads (e.g. Readings) from the device into readable data.

A Template which allows flexibility on how that data from that device is Presented (Front End) and may optionally expose additional configuration options to your users in the app.

Hardware Details (Codec)

As part of the submission process we ask that you provide the Datasheets, Technical and Payload information for the hardware. In order for us to decode Payloads from the hardware we must have this information.

If a piece of hardware is not yet supported on the platform, we must have this information as part of your submission.

Later, if a new hardware revision is released or if you require customized behavior, we can work with you to determine if a new Codec is required - in which case we may ask you for additional technical details on the changes.

Controlling Presentation & Behavior (Template)

Through the use of Templates we can offer flexibility to tailor the presentation of your hardware to end-users. It also allows some customization of options that can be presented to help control the device. As part of the submission process please try and detail the sorts of customizations you would like to see in the dashboard app.

Template Options for Presentation

Device Image, Instructions, Default Name

Device Uses (use cases where sensor is likely to be use)

Optional Configuration & Default Units

You can set certain global defaults, such as allowing user to select between Celsius & Fahrenheit temperatures for all on-board data points.

If your device is more complex, it may be necessary to give end-users the ability to enter Detection thresholds or other values such as Level/Distance offsets. Templates allows us the ability to collect this sort of information through Input forms shown to the user.

Data Presentation

  • Which data points to display (or not to display).

  • Default units for each data point.

  • The displayed name of each data point.

Help & Resources

The sensor Information, Datasheets, Videos and other resources you give to us in the submission can be presented to users so that they can find this information for hardware they are using.

This is especially helpful to users if they can come here to find your Videos on Activation, Reset and using the hardware.

Template Options for Behavior

Templates can also optionally offer additional support for allow the user to modify behavior on the hardware.


  • Sending Downlink commands to the device to change hardware-configurable settings.

  • Setting software-side values that the Codec will use to alter behavior as new readings are processed.

E.g. Allow the user a dashboard-side option of controlling at which time of day a Counting device Resets its count totals.