LoRaWAN Hardware Integration Requirements

LoRaWAN Hardware Integration Requirements

The following information will help you in verifying that new devices will be compatible with our platform and will successfully pass integration testing during the IoT Ready process.

1. Prepare Device Firmware

The following includes our general requirements in order to integrate your device into the myDevices platform. Your device may have additional requirements in order to become commercial ready; these requirements will be discussed with you directly by a member of the myDevices team.

1.1. Frequency

For the US, myDevices Gateways are configured for US915 in Frequency Sub Band 2 (see below).

Your sensors will need to be able to communicate in US FSB2 by these 2 methods:

  1. (Preferred) Sensor will jump through the different sub bands until it joins on FSB2 and settles with the channels below. (Per the LoRaWAN Spec)

  2. (Discouraged) Sensor is hard coded with the FSB2 channel plan. If this method is chosen, the sensor should be configurable via USB or downlink command to change to other Sub Bands.

US915 FSB: 2 Frequencies:


  1. 903.9 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125

  2. 904.1 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125

  3. 904.3 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125

  4. 904.5 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125

  5. 904.7 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125

  6. 904.9 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125

  7. 905.1 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125

  8. 905.3 - SF7BW125 to SF10BW125

  9. 904.6 - SF8BW500


  1. 923.3 - SF7BW500 to SF12BW500

  2. 923.9 - SF7BW500 to SF12BW500

  3. 924.5 - SF7BW500 to SF12BW500

  4. 925.1 - SF7BW500 to SF12BW500

  5. 925.7 - SF7BW500 to SF12BW500

  6. 926.3 - SF7BW500 to SF12BW500

  7. 926.9 - SF7BW500 to SF12BW500

  8. 927.5 - SF7BW500 to SF12BW500

For any other specific regions, please refer to the TTN Frequency Plan page: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/frequency-plans.html

1.2. Network Activation

For stability and security reasons, OTAA (Over the Air Activation) is required for all commercial ready sensors.  

1.3. Uplink Data Interval

  1. Depending on the use case, different devices send on different intervals.  At a minimum your device must send a keep-alive message to the network at least once a day

  2. The keep-alive payload should be a payload with sensor data & battery level. If we have specific requirements for your sensor, we will give you those requirements directly.

  3. Upon successfully joining the network, the device should immediately send an uplink with the current status of the sensors. The payload should have all the sensor data in 1 payload, including battery level.

Example Payload:

1.4. Battery Information

As part of regular uplink payload information, the device needs to send information about the current state of the battery.

This can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Device can send the current battery level as a Percentage.

  2. Device can send the current battery level as a Voltage.

    1. In this case, you must provide to us the Minimum and Maximum operating voltage for the hardware so we can convert it to a percentage value on our side.

1.5. Unconfirmed Uplinks

All sensors should be configured for Unconfirmed uplinks. The manufacturer should provide downlink commands to allow OTA configuration to Confirmed Uplinks, if required.

This allows the sensor to continue to transmit, even if the gateway is offline or out of range.

2. QR Code

You will need to print a QR code for each piece of hardware which will contain the Sensor DevEui. This must be done for each individual sensor.

Requirements :

  1. QR Codes need to be a minimum of 0.5 x 0.5 inches. Ideally, 0.7 inches or greater (for easier scanning).

  2. All lower case & no spaces or dashes when scanned.

  3. The DevEUI should also be printed in text form below the QR Code.

  4. QR Codes should not be placed next to other barcodes, shapes or logos, but rather should be by itself with DevEUI directly below it.

  5. The QR Codes should be on a label where the image does not easily fade after some usage.


(There are many services online that allow you to create simple QR codes and print them on

label paper.)

An example of a Sensor ID would be: 01a2b3c405060708

If your QR code contains additional data, like model number, AppKey, etc, then it will not work with our platform. It must only output the DevEui number by itself. No spaces.



3. Hardware Documentation

Please provide the following hardware information and assets so that we can reference them while integrating the hardware into our platform.

  1. Device Image - A high quality image of the device to be shown to users as representative of the hardware they will get for use. Ideally on a white or transparent background.

  2. Datasheet - The product datasheet or product overview with general information and specifications.

  3. Technical User Guide - Technical reference documentation. If not contained in these documents, please provide to us any additional technical documentation that will show us details of the payloads and any available downlink commands available as well.

    1. If not already included in the User Guide, we must at a minimum have a proper uplink/downlink payload description explaining each field and at least a few examples.

      1. Bytes description

      2. Signed or Unsigned integer

      3. State 8/16/32/64 bit value

      4. Unit of measurement

      5. Scaling factor of each data

  4. Support Information / Videos - If available, please provide us a link to documentation that will help end users understand how to use the hardware. The most important items for us are:

    1. How to Set up / Activate the sensor for the first time

    2. How to Reset the sensor

If this information isn’t available, please consider providing any links that you may have to where we might be able to find appropriate FAQs or videos that we can then use to find such information for ourselves.