Upgrade Dragino LHT65 firmware
The following will help you to update your Dragino LHT65 firmware to the latest version. The process shown here requires some additional hardware and is somewhat technical - you should only update the firmware on your device if necessary and directed to do so.
Things you will need
Dragino Manual (v1.8.3 is referenced in this article) - relevant section begins on page 52.
Computer from which you can install the programming software and connect the programmer to.
An ST-Link v2 module. Example on Amazon
Note that there are different version ST-Link v2. The white one as below is the most stable and recommended one.
The white version ST-Link v2 such as below photo has different hardware version. The original one doesn’t have 3.3v on pin 1/2 and the clone one has 3.3v on pin 1/2. You would have to short pin19 (VDD 3.3v) and pin 1/2 (TVCC) for the original one so pin 1/2 has 3.3v power. Otherwise, the original one will have problems uploading firmware to LHT65.
Breadboard style breakout cables. Example on Amazon
Make sure you have some that are Male to Female for connection from the programmer to the programming cable.
Dragino LHT65 programming cable.
Connect LHT65 to ST-Link v2 programmer
Connect LHT65 to the ST-Link v2 programmer using the breakout cables and LHT65 programming cable.
LHT65 Dupont pin | ST-LINK v2 |
SWDIO | white |
RESET | red |
SWCLK | green |
GND | black |
Updating firmware on Dragino LHT65
Open STM32 ST-LINK utility
Click Settings
Check if everything in Settings is correct
Browse for latest firmware update.
Locate the file then press start to complete the install.
After completing the installation, the directory will show how many seconds it took and “verification…OK”
After the verification okay’s the Dragino device will restart (red light will show first, and then green light)
After unplugging from the Dragino device, manually restart the sensor by clicking the button 5 times.