Device Uses section

Device Uses section

Device Use defines the typical ways in which your device is put to use. For example, the areas in which it likely will be placed. Depending upon which Use the user selects, you can then pre-default alert settings based upon them. Every device must have at least one Use defined before the template will work properly, but try to add several to fit the most likely scenarios.

At least one such entry is required (don’t forget to mark it Default) before you can add the device successfully via the UI. If you fail to do this, when you go to add a device that uses that template chances are it will hang and you will get errors in your browser console.



Add default Conditions / Rules to Alerts

After creating the various Uses for your device, you have the ability to add default Alert conditions that should be applied when this Use is selected. This is optional, but very beneficial to users as it allows you to preconfigure alert thresholds for them, based upon the sensor’s placement/usage.


For example, consider a Temperature sensor intended for use in a Deep Freezer. If the user selects this as the Use, the default temperature thresholds can be configured to appropriate values for this environment.


To continue our example, when a new user adds this device to their account and selects the Deep Freezer Device Use, the default alert thresholds for their sensor will be set to reasonable values. They can choose to change them from there, if desired.

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